Jupiter is a slow moving planet & remains in one sign upto 12 to 13 months. It is a planet of blessings, growth & luck. Every body needs them in their lives. Therefore, it is very important to know how this year 2024 to 2025 will be in regards to Jupiter transit & its impact on your life. From which ever house Jupiter transits, it activates that house & mostly positive results can be seen from that house. Jupiter is a vastly benefic planet & has total of three aspects. Which ever house Jupiter is placed in your horoscope, it has its 5th, 7th & 9th aspect from it's teritorry & exemplifies the karya of those houses. The aspects of Jupiter are considered highly auspisious for the native. Below is general interpretation of Jupiter's transit & aspects & its impact for all ascendants in astrology.
Currently, Jupiter is transiting in the sign of Aries & impacting or activating their 1 st house & aspecting 5th House of children, speculation, knowledge entertainment, matters of love, 7th house of spouse, dealing with others, business & daily wages & 9th house of luck, spirituality, longterm foreign travel or foreign gain. All these houses are activated till 1st May 2024 after that Jupiter transits into sign of Taurus for next 12 months.
ARIES - Till 1st May, 2024, you will have opportunity in the areas of income through business or expansion, good relations with spouse or business partner, Your chance of traveling abroad or staying there of a long hault will increase, children will benefit, improvement in love life or chances of marriage will increase. As Jupiter is planet of financial blessing & expansion its impacting your 1 st & 5 th house will generate income through speculation as well. Since ninth house is associated with become religious & spiritual & all you tricons are activated at the moment it is helping you to become better version of your ownself. This time period is beneficial for you so make most if it. From 1st May 2024 Jupiter will transit into sign of Taurus. Jupiter will transit your 2nd house of speech, family, money & food habits & aspects 6th of enemies, competition, job, debt & disease, 8th house for occult, hidden matters, 10th house of karma, father, govt , profession, power & status. All the matters of these concerned houses will be activated & since Jupiter is a benefic planet it will control the negative effects of these houses. So if its aspect is on 6th house so you may win court cases or over enemies, clear competitive exam or 10th house matters like improvement in professional life, health of father or benefit from father will be seen. So May 2024 onwards till May 2025 these houses will be active, the result you will get be based on the position of other planets in in conjunction with Jupiter, your current Dasha period & few other factors in your birth chart as well.
TAURUS – Jupiter is currently in your 12 th house & aspecting your 4th house of happiness, vehicle, peace of mind, property. Be little cautious about savings as expenditure may increase on hospital bills or otherwise. There is a possibility of investing in a property or vehicle. Domestic happiness will increase. Aspect on 6 th house will bring improvement in health, win over enemies & litigation. 8th house aspect can bring some benefit from in-laws or interest in occult, inheritance. From 2024 May onwards till 2025 May Jupiter will transit from your 1st house of self, health, body, aspecting your 5th, 7th & 9th house. You will have tendency to gain weight but at the same time self image will improve with chances of promotion, kids will benefit or benefic news from kids, chances of finding new love, improvement in education or prospects of higher education are there. Aspect on 7 th house of spouse, business, daily wages, partnership, short term foreign travel & 9th house of luck, long term foreign travel & spirituality will be benefic for these areas. You may get opportunity to travel abroad, benefit from spouse or partnership, growth in daily income, interest in spirituality will increase.
GEMINI- JUPITER is currently transiting from your 11th house and aspecting your 3th , 5th & 7th house. Till May 2024, you will have gain in money, professional success, fulfilment of desire after hardwork & efforts, communication & visa issues if any will be resolved, you can do very well in social media or online platform. Relations with siblings will improve. Matters of 5 th house will also improve. Higher education, benefit from children or conception of a child is possible. Also, benefit from spouse & partnership is seen. From May 2024 till May 2025, your 12th house is active. Benefit from foreign country, chances of settlement or travel. Expenditure on medical expenses is also foreseen, so save as much as you can & spend on priorities. 4th house aspect will bring domestic happiness, good health for mother or opportunity to buy property or vehicle. Over all good health but little weight gain is there. If you are appearing for competitive exams, then it will be benefic. Also matter in the court will be in your favour & can win over enemies. Benefit from in laws or property gain from in- laws is foreseen. Sudden inheritance is also possible. Sexual connection with partner will also increase.
CANCER- Currently Jupiter is transiting your 10th house of Karma, public dealings, profession & father also aspecting your 2nd house of wealth, food habits & joint family. Growth in money, or addition to your family as in child birth or marriage is foreseen. Keep track on your diet & food intake as Jupiter can increase that. This aspect of Jupiter blesses your financial condition & you may attain wealth from various sources. It also makes your speech sweet. Gain from property or vehicle, good health of mother, peace of mind is foreseen. Benefit from spouse or business partnership is possible. Professional growth & benefit from father is also seen. From May 2024 onwards till 2025 May Jupiter, transits your 11 th house of gain, aspecting your 3th, 5th & 7th house. Till 1st May 2024, you will have gain in money, professional success, fulfilment of desire after hard work & efforts, communication & visa issues if any will be resolved, you can do very well in social media or online platform. Relations with siblings will improve. Matters of 5th house, higher education, benefit from children or conception of a child is possible. Also benefit from spouse & partnership is seen.
LEO – Currently Jupiter is transiting from you 9th house of luck, long foreign travel & spirituality. Your 9th house is active at the moment. Its aspecting your 1st, 3rd & 5th house. Weight gain, improvement in self image or self-confidence will increase. You will enjoy a great bonding with your seniors and elders in your family. An optimistic approach will help you in finding solution of any problem. Higher study or career related foreign travel would be there. If you had applied for any visa its likely to come through.
Your relations with siblings will also improve. Good news from children or happiness from children is also foreseen. Singles finding a partner or love interest is also possible. Your house of luck is activated at the moment, so keep your thoughts positive. This period also brings clarity of thought, meditation will also help you. From May 2024 till May 2025, Jupiter will transit your 10th house & aspects your 2nd , 4th, & 6th houses. Career growth, karma balancing, benefit from father & good health of father, benefit from govt, increment in salary, marriage, sweet speech, domestic happiness, good health, win over enemies or in litigation is seen. People who were looking for job since long will also get jobs or professional growth in job. Investment in property & domestic peace & harmony is foreseen.
VIRGO- Jupiter is transiting from your 8th house & aspecting your 12th, 2nd & 4 th till 1st May, 2024. There can be gain from inheritance & family business, financial blessing, increment in salary, interest in occult or people in occult sciences, research will benefit. Property gain & happiness at domestic front is foreseen. Chances of job opportunities & promotion is there. Win over enemies & gain from litigation. If you were suffering from any health ailment then respite in that area & improvement in health is foreseen. Keep a track on your expenditure as they might increase. There will be chance of foreign travel. From May 2024 onwards your 9th house will be active. Jupiter will aspect your 1st, 3rd, 5th house. Self image will improve, financial blessing from all the areas, professional & business growth is foreseen, benefit from spouse, happiness of & from children, chances of getting higher education will arise. Relationship with partner will improve. Short term & long term foreign travel is possible
Support from your bosses or your seniors will increase. Good health & self improvement will be your focus. Keen interest in spirituality or spiritual practices will be there. It's time for your over all transformation & self development.

LIBRA- Currently Jupiter is transiting from your 7th house & aspecting your 11th ,1st & 3rd house. Since your 7th house of spouse, partnership, daily wages, business, short term foreign travel is active, You will see expansion in your business by finalizing expected deals. You will get recognition and success of your hard work and efforts at the workplace. Jupiter transits 7th house and it will make you happy with your spouse, however, it also demands commitment and free space in your marital life. You will get the support of your life partner. Your family and friends will make you special with their love and care. You may take an interest in study about healing and health-related topics and get inclined towards reading about yoga, healing & meditation. Sudden gain & relations with elder siblings will improve. People in communication, media, advertising, social media, online business or correspondence will benefit. From May, 2024 onwards till you will benefit in the areas of Spirituality, occult and research an analysis people who are in this field or these fields would benefit a lot there can be gain from inheritance or inlaws as well. Jupiter will be aspecting your 12th house your second house and your 4th house this means all the areas and the matters of these houses will benefit like travel to a foreign country and a possible settlement PR visa coming through increment in salary sweet speech, improvement in diet, addition to family as in marriage order childbirth and domestic happiness is foreseen. there is also a chance of building property and gaining from property. maintain good relationship with mother.
SCORPIO – Currently, till 1st May 2024 Jupiter is transiting from your 6th house aspecting your 10th,12th and your 2nd house. Definitely growth at professional front, increase in income gain from family chance to travel abroad and your interest in spirituality will increase. It is time to focus on your job income health and career. There might be an increase in expenditure related to health and travel it & a very good chance that you will develop interest in spirituality. Focus on your relationship with your father an attaining blessings from him and also your dealings with government will improve. There are chances of issues occurring in the areas of loan or debt due to your ignorance so you need to be careful regarding this. Any litigation issue will get resolved during this. From May 2024 till May, 2025 Jupiter Transit from 7h house of business partnership, spouse and daily wages an aspect your 11th, 1st and 3rd house. During this period your marital relation ship improve & business growth will happen. You will get recognition and success of your hard work and efforts at the workplace. Jupiter transits 7th house and it will make you happy with your spouse, however, it also demands commitment and free space in your marital life.
You will get the support of your life partner. Your family and friends will make you special with their love and care. You may take an interest in study about healing and health-related topics and get inclined towards reading about yoga, healing & meditation. If you are in online business, marketing, digital marketing, communication expert or advertising, your career will grow. You should market yourself on social media to attract clients.
SAGITTARIUS – Jupiter is currently transiting your 5th house & aspecting
your 9 th , 11 th , 1 st house. This is such a beautiful combination as Jupiter is transiting its own house & aspecting one of its own as well. Making connection of Dharma tricon. During this period, there will be celebration and happiness in your life with the auspicious movement of Jupiter in the 5th house. The habit of exercising and chanting mantra will bless you with expected transformation during this transit period. If you are expecting a childbirth/pregnancy, then this period will give you happiness. Your love life will get strengthen during this transit period. You may become successful in getting new projects, growth and promotion. From May 2024 till May 202t Jupiter will transit from your 6 th house. You will get prosperity and accomplishments with your ability to will win over opponents. However, it can give expansion in loan and debt-related issues because of your ignorance. During this transit period, you will realize the value of the financial management. Jupiter transit in the sixth house will make you capable of delivering tasks on time. Unexpected obstacles in your way will make you realize your true potential. Any litigation related issue will get resolved during this period.
CAPRICORN – Till 1st May, 2024 Jupiter is transiting from your 4th house of mother, vehicles, property, homeland & happiness & aspecting your 8th , 10 th & 12th house. Follow a proper ethics to be happy during the transit of Jupiter in 4th house. You will get good news and happiness in your life. Good habits and support from the family will lead you toward success.
You might work on pending tasks for the completion and make yourself ready to accept the new one. Expected deal and benefit will come in your favor with the blessing of Jupiter’s transit in the 4th house. Property gain, buying a new vehicle, inheritance, good relations from in-laws is foreseen. Since Jupiter is also aspecting your 10 th house of profession, father & government, gain from them or in theses areas are evident. Your hard work & efforts be paid off. So make sure you work hard. After 1st May 2024 till May 2025 Jupiter will transit from your 5th house. If you are expecting childbirth/pregnancy, then this period will give you happiness. Your love life will get strengthen during this transit period. You may become successful in getting new projects, growth and promotion. Gain from speculation, improvement in the matters of love & higher education. Your children will also give you happiness. There will be celebration and happiness in your life with the auspicious movement of Jupiter in the 5th house. The habit of exercising and chanting mantra will bless you with expected transformation during this transit period. Aspect on 9th, 11th & 1st house will improve your luck & your connection with spirituality will increase. Your relationships with your elder siblings & friends will improve. Also, make to improve your relations with with your elder brother or sister. They will be your big support. There can be an issue with the weight gain so pay attention. Health will improve & eye issues will get resolution. Over all a period of self transformation & development.
AQUARIUS – Currently, Jupiter is transiting from your 3rd house of courage, efforts, hard work, correspondence, communication, internet & younger sibling & aspecting your 7th,9th &11th house. You might not get the recognition or appreciation of your hard work and effort due to the transit of Jupiter in the 3rd house easlity but only with consistent efforts. You should improve your skill and take the initiative to get success in all your endeavors. Transit of Jupiter will bless you with new skills that give you success a good financial income. Your creative ideas will help you work on strategy and get promotion, growth and success. Promote yourself on social media to get be get better results & growth in income.
You may meet people of high position on social media. Follow the guidelines or advice of your mentor, senior or elder. Working online- teaching, consulting or selling will help you grow professionally & recognition will come. aspect on 7 th hoise will give you growth in business & improve relations with your partner or spouse. You will get opportunity to travel abroad & stay long-term. Aspect on the 9 th will also improve your luck quotient provided there is not aspect of a malefic on the 9 th house. Benefit & support from siblings & support is also seen. From May 2024 till May 2025 Jupiter transits your 4 th house of happiness & vehicles, domestic bliss, mother & property. You will get good news and happiness in your life. Good habits and support from the family will lead you toward success.
You might work on pending tasks for the completion and make yourself ready to accept the new one. Expected deal and benefit will come in your favour with the blessing of Jupiter’s transit in the 4th house. Mother’s health will improve. Also you might invest in property or a vehicle. Aspect of Jupiter on 8 th,10th & 12th house will bring blessings in professional front, especially if you are in line of occult, research or analysis. Your long-term illness will improve & your relations with in-laws will improve. This aspect also bring inheritance.
PISCES – Currently Jupiter is transiting your 2nd house of food habits, savings speech, Joint family, wealth & savings. All these aspects of your life are active at the moment. It’s aspecting your 6th, 8th, &10th house. Health will improve, recognition in job, increment in salary, winning over opponents or any litigation matter will be seen in this period. You may build a good connection with new people who will help you in your financial increment.
Transit of Jupiter in 2nd house will bless you with a good health by following a healthy diet. You will get expected outcomes in terms of savings during this transit. There will be an addition in your family with a new baby or marriage-related event. You will be capable of delivering your work before the deadline and this will give you the expected success on the professional front.
It will bless you with the insights to have clarity before making commitment to your partner. This will help in maintaining harmony in your relationship.
From 1st May 2024 till May 2025 Jupiter will transit your 3rd house & aspect your 7 th, 9th & 11th houses. You might need to work extra hard to get recognition your consistent hard work will pay off in matters of online business, mass media, social media, online work or business.
This period will also bring positivity in relations with your siblings. Your relationship with your spouse will improve & you may get some kind of benefit from them. Good period to expand your business, research & analysis. Your interest in spiritual activities will increase. Yoga & meditation will benefit you immensely. Support from family & friends will be foreseen. Long term blockages- like visa issues of stuck money will be resolved.
General Remedies To Strengthen Jupiter
- Kesar tilak on forehead daily.
- Donation of Yellow items like chana daal or clothes to the poor on Thursdays .
- listen/ chant Vishnu Saharanaam .
- Recite Beej mantra of Jupiter 108 times daily or on Thursdays .